Social Networking is the craze and your potential and current employees are guaranteed to be participating on at least one social networking site. According to a study, 35 percent of employers have decided not to offer a job to a candidate based on the results of a social media background check.
Do You Really Know what is on Social Media? - You Should!
Media Background Check
Employers provide us with a Name and Email address and we search all major social networking sites and provide a detailed profile report. Concerned your making the right hire or just concerned that an existing employee is talking bad about about the company - this is the report to see what kind of person your are dealing with.
Results 2 to 3 business days. (Not FCRA Compliant) Search Fee: $24.95
Our Report Looks for Red Flags:
Employees who badmouth their previous employers
Excessive Twittering or social media activity while on the clock
Suggestive pictures
Lying about qualifications - school, job history, etc.
Obvious drug use
Discussing private company information
Comments containing racial slurs and other offensive language
Our report provides a link to the social profile plus any derogatory information found.
NOTE: This search is for informational and investigative purposes only and cannot be used to determine an individual's eligibility for credit, insurance, employment, housing, or any other purpose covered under the Fair Credit Reporting Act.