The practice of conducting effective certification verifications for prospective employees has exploded in the workforce over the last 15 years. The need to hire the most qualified candidates, and the inherent risk in hiring the wrong candidates, has never been greater. The costs of not performing a proper check can be costly for employers due to unqualified workers and resume fraud.
Fraud has become a significant and costly problem for employers who hire candidates that falsely claim certifications. How extensive is the problem?
The consequences to an organization when a candidate or employee misrepresents his certification or license status can be enormous. The risk ranges from embarrassment and compromised business performance to declining market value and civil and criminal liability.
The InfoCheck certification and license verification service enables you to make timely and well-informed hiring, promotion and compensation decisions. With our reliable and authenticated verifications you can have confidence that candidates possess the current certifications they need to perform their jobs.
Professional Certification Verification
This search provides verification of ANY certifications from industries such
as Medical, Computer & Networking, Accounting, Engineering, ChildCare,
Transportation, Health & Fitness, Communications, Food, Hospitality and
more. Results available same day. You enter the certification in our system
and we will verify it. Search Fee
Professional License Verification
Our license check service is useful for verifying professional license and
certifications, as well as providing the subjects professional standing with
a regulatory body. Based on the information submitted, we contact the
necessary licensing agencies, and verify standing, as well as verifying
dates and any other information crucial to the license. Results available 24
to 48 hours. (Example of verified licenses: CPA, MD, RN, PE, PA, PT, EMT,
CIA, etc....)Search Fee
Verifications Performed Using:
Certifications Verified: