Record Alert System


USA Arrest Record ALERTS


infoALERT360 knows about an arrest within minutes. infoALERT360 utilizes more than 3,000 interfaces with law enforcement agencies across the country to access real-time arrest information, along with tens of millions of historical incarceration and booking records representing nearly three quarters of the jail population.




infoALERT360 is updated within minutes of booking through an integrated agency, providing the most timely insight into criminal incident information currently available. infoALERT360 may be requested as a standalone service or combined with the NCSS check (National Criminal SUPERSEARCH), the most comprehensive instant criminal database search.

Features and Benefits:
Real-time interfaces with more than 3,000 law enforcement agencies across the country.


Know within minutes about an arrest processed through an integrated agency.

Tens of millions of historical incarceration and booking records provides depth and scope not attainable through traditional data points.


Nearly three quarters of the U.S. jail population covered.


Locates records from many exclusive jurisdictions that are not included in any other commercial criminal database product currently on the market.


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USA Driving Record ALERTS


FleetALERT is a powerful yet simple online tool that will aid businesses in managing their employee risk more effectively. Businesses spend a considerable amount of time and resources qualifying their prospective employees, but tend to lose track of them after they're hired. In a world where 14% of driving records incur derogatory activities each year and where these activities may present your business with the risk of potential litigation loss, an effective solution is necessary.


Solution: FleetALERT
Continuous pro-active monitoring of employee driving records through FleetALERT will limit future risk exposure, decrease negligent driver retention and reduce administrative costs across the board. 

Such ongoing features as monitoring and frequent email alerts will highlight invalid drivers' licenses, derogatory activities, suspensions and/or upcoming license expirations.


Administrative Expenses
Possible Litigation
Managerial Oversight


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North Carolina Record ALERTS


ncALERT notifies you daily of any charges filed against your employees. Our unique monitoring service automatically generates email alerts whenever an individual is charged with any offense in North Carolina, including all moving violations!

Some drivers have a tendency to conceal their bad driving habits. ncALERT is the only service of its kind that sends you email notification when a driver is charged with ANY charge in North Carolina - (other services only alert on criminal charges). This information empowers you to make the smart decisions needed to protect your business.




ncAlert: Gives you the best view of your employees' activity.
All Charges: Be notified of all NC charges (not just criminal).
Select Charges: Select charges you deem relevant.
Know first: alerts you the day after data is entered in the system.
Track Cases: Track cases as they proceed through the system.
Updates: Be alerted to any new changes on a case.
Company Safety: Ensure safety with access to the latest court records.


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